June 24, 2024 - Aug 2, 2024
Join us for a fun-filled 6-week art summer camp with Sadie Randal (they/them), designed for kids aged 10 to 14 - it's gonna be epic!
Students will:
Learn the basics of carving linoleum to create various sized prints
Learn the fun of printmaking
Make something they are proud of
Become storytellers
Develop creativity and passion
Build confidence (speak to an audience to present their work, and express their feelings)
Develop intuition for giving feedback, critique, and praise (feelings matter and how you deliver feedback is impactful)
All measurements written in the document are in inches, i.e., 3x4, 5x7, 8x11
Students who sign up are expected to have respect for others in the classroom and will be given three warnings before the instructor will speak to parents about removal from the summer camp
Students are expected to attend for as many days out of the week as possible
August 5-9, 2024 will be considered make-up dates for students who need to miss days during the 6 weeks
$450 (6 weeks)
$150 (One session - 1 week )
$250 (Two sessions)
Weekly Meeting Time
Monday: 10 AM - 4 PM
Wednesday: 10 AM - 4 PM
Friday: 11 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 11 AM - 4 PM
**If students need to come earlier or stay after hours please contact the instructor so they can adjust their arrival/departure from the gallery**
Provided Materials:
Ink: Water-soluble and Acid-free
Speedball Carvers
Tracing Paper
8x11 Paper
Materials Needed:
9x12 Sketchbook (Mixed Media, or Watercolor) with at least 60 pages - Pencils (at least two sharpened, one unsharpened)
Water Bottle, Snacks, and Lunch
Totes/Storage container for students stamps and prints
Camera and/or Phone/Tablet — a device that can capture images and access the internet
day 1: introduction to lino cutting (learning the history and tools)
Activity 1: Introducing yourself & Creating Classroom Rules
Students will stamp their name to create a nametag for their seat throughout the camp *if they have preferred pronouns that differ from what their parents use we will respect the student in the classroom*
Then we will go around introducing ourselves with the following:
Name, pronouns, age, favorite color, favorite animal, favorite season, and why you are here After we’ve introduced ourselves we will create a set of rules which all people present must adhere to during the duration of the camp!
Activity 2: Kahoot/Presentation
There will be a quick 10 -15 minute presentation on the history of printmaking Following this, there will be a 10-15 question Kahoot where the students can test their knowledge and win prizes!! (The instructor will carve out any design of the winner's choice *up to 3x4*)
Materials needed:
device that can access the internet
Activity 3: Reflect/Preparation for Day 2
Students will start to think of the different shapes that make up an image.
The entire class will walk to *location TBD* and find scenery that has distinguishable shapes that they can see.
- Students will get up to 30 minutes to explore different areas in a selected location to replicate what they see in their sketchbooks. After the time is up everyone will head back to the gallery to start selecting different areas of their sketches and highlight the shapes they see in their sketches
**Sketches can be done in pencil or pen, as we will be using markers to highlight the shapes**
Once each student has highlighted at least five different shapes they’d like to create into stamps, the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for the next day.
Materials needed:
Tracing paper
**We are going to work on student’s precision throughout the day**
day 2: practicing 2d/3d drawing
Activity 1: carving out simple shapes
Students will draw out the 2d shapes they found yesterday to the best of their ability By the end of this time, students will need to have at least four 2d shapes they’d like to create into a stamp
Materials needed:
Magazines and/or printed images of shapes students can trace
tracing paper
Activity 2: carving out shapes
Students will draw out their 3d shapes to the best of their ability
By the end of this time, students will need to have at least three 3d shapes they’d like to create into a stamp
Materials needed:
Magazines and/or printed images of shapes students can trace
Tracing paper
Activity 3: Reflect/Preparation for Day 3
Once students have a handle on drawing their 2d and 3d shapes, they can transfer their designs onto the rubber to prepare to carve the designs the next day. Students will carve out a total of 7-9 different stamps.
Before students begin to transfer and carve designs, the instructor will show students the best method to transfer their designs onto linoleum and provide guidance on how to best carve around their transferred designs
Materials needed:
Linoleum (12x12) for each student
Tracing paper
Speedball Carvers
Acid Free Ink
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for the next day.
day 3: start carving!! simple shapes
Activity 1: students carve out 2d shapes
Students will carve out their 5 desired shapes, and stamp them into their sketchbook. After all students are done with their stamps students will clean up their area and take a break to share their stamps with classmates.
Materials needed: Same as day 2
Activity 2: continue carving 2d shapes and begin carving 3d shapes
After all students are done with their stamps students will clean up their area and take a break to share their stamps with classmates.
Materials needed: Same from activity 1
Activity 3: Reflect/Preparation for Day 4
After the class has created their desired quantity of stamps (minimum number of stamps: seven), weather permitting, we will sit outside on the patio and play games, draw, and chat. **Instructor has various games to provide that they can play**
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for the next day.
day 4: start carving reflective images
Activity 1: outlines vs. empty space
Students will pair up and go on an excursion around the gallery to find four images they’d like to sketch. Once the images have been selected, the pairs will decide who will carve the outline of two of the images, and who will carve on the line for those two images. Once they are done with the first two images, the roles will reverse. So the student who carved the outline is now going to carve on the line, and the student who carved on the line will carve the outline.
Materials needed:
Linoleum (4x5) for each student
Speedball Carvers
Tracing paper
Acid Free Ink
Activity 2: Students determine their preferred style
Based on the last activity, students will decide which carving style they prefer and choose another pair’s images to trade with. Students will then recreate the traded image in their preferred style. (there is no expected number of students who should select a certain style) Students are expected to create a new sketch of the image they’d like to carve, transfer that design onto linoleum, and carve out that image.
Materials needed: Same from activity 1
Activity 3: Reflect/Preparation for Week 2
Students will each have up to 30 minutes to write down what they liked and disliked about their first week of camp. Class will determine the best ways to integrate these improvements into the camp structure.
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for Week 2.
day 1: learning how to carve more complex images
Activity 1: flowers
Students will select their favorite flower AND a plant they see while walking around the area (location: TBD) to create stamps.
These stamps must be at minimum 3x4
Materials needed:
Linoleum (4x5) for each student
Speedball Carvers
Tracing paper
Acid Free Ink
Activity 2: animals
Students will select their favorite animal AND a creature they see while walking around the area (location: TBD) to create stamps.
These stamps must be at minimum 3x4
Materials needed: Same as activity 1
Activity 3: self portrait
Students will pair up and draw each other to the best of their ability to create a single-line print design based on their sketches of each other. Print must be 5x7
During the first 30 minutes students should work on getting the most details of their partner's appearance into their sketchbooks. After they are done with this sketch, they will take tracing paper over the sketch to draw out a single-line print design.
Materials needed: Same as activity 1
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for the next day.
day 2: learning how to carve geometric images
(the key is learning how to add dimension to these images)
Activity 1: cubes, pyramids
Going back to week one with the 3d stamps students created, they will first look for examples of cubes and pyramids on their devices, then sketch both a cube and pyramid with as much dimension they believe will give the allure of that shape on paper. After determining which cube and pyramid they will turn into a stamp, they will carve out that image to stamp into their sketchbooks.
Materials needed:
Linoleum (4x5) for each student
Device to access the internet
Speedball Carvers
Tracing paper
Acid Free Ink
Activity 2: spheres, cylinders
Going back to week one with the 3d stamps students created, they will first look for examples on their devices of spheres and cylinders, then sketch both a sphere and cylinder with as much dimension they believe will give the allure of that shape on paper. After determining which cube and pyramid they will turn into a stamp, they will carve out that image to stamp into their sketchbooks.
Materials needed: Same as activity 1
Activity 3: Reflect/Preparation for Dy 3
Students will take the four stamps they just created to design a 5x7 print with their stamps. The goal is to layer their stamps on the page to create their own geometric print.
Materials needed: Same as activity 1
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for the next day.
day 3: field trip
The amount of time we’ll be outside will be determined the day of to accommodate temperature and class’ ability to stay outside for a prolonged amount of time
Students will walk around (location: TBD) to find a facade to create into a 5x7 print. After students have taken a picture of the facade they’d like to create, they can choose to sketch the facade either in the gallery or outside.
day 4: spend time tracing and/or designing print
Activity 1: Artist Talk
Students will hear from a printmaker to see their process in creating a print, from the idea stage to the final stage of getting their piece hung in a gallery
**Speak to Marie about getting an artist whose work has been in the gallery to come speak to students for at least 20 minutes, with time for questions**
Activity 2: Design your first print
Based on their first two weeks in the camp students will use their previous sketches to design a 5x7 print. Students will have up to 2 hours to design their prints and after that time all students who are ready with their design can start to prepare that on their linoleum.
Materials needed:
Tracing Paper
Activity 3: Reflect/Preparation for Day 4
Once students have designed their print and it is transferred to linoleum, students will have time to adjust their designs one last time before the day is over as the next day is all about carving.
Designs on linoleum should be traced over in pen so students can come in the next day with their linoleum prepared for carving.
Materials needed: Same as activity 2
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for the next day.
day 4: start carving out design
Students will spend the day carving out their design and will have the opportunity to create acid-free ink prints of their designs to see where they can make improvements as next week they’ll be creating a print with water soluble ink.
Materials needed:
Speedball Carvers
Tracing Paper
Acid-free Ink
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for Week 3.
day 1: printing the design you worked on last week
Activity 1: Inking and Printmaking
Instructor will teach students how to roll out ink, and transfer onto linoleum to pass through Etching press. After students have grasped how to roll out ink onto their prints, they will each produce one version of their print they’d like to hang for the gallery walk.
Materials need:
Glass and/or Inking plate
Water-soluble Ink
Activity 2: Gallery Walk
After students have finished their designs in the first half of the day, we will set up a mock gallery where we can look at everyone’s design.
Activity 3: Reflect/Preparation for Day 3
Reflective questions for students to answer in their sketchbooks after they walk the gallery:
What techniques do you see in other’s prints?
Are any techniques repeated throughout the print?
How much detail did they choose to leave out and to include?
Students will then choose two of their favorite prints and one by one will go around telling the two artists why they liked their prints and how their print is similar or different from their own.
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for the next day.
day 2: recreate someone’s print from the gallery
Students will pair up with one another and will work together to recreate each other's print
The goal is not for students to recreate each other’s print line for line, but for them to react the print in their own style. The artist is there to explain to you:
Why they chose the specific design
What shapes they enjoyed replicating in the design
Which areas gave them the most difficulty in the drawing stage and the carving stage
Class will decide whether to go outside or stay inside for the questions and answer stage. For the drawing stage class will move back to the gallery to trace and carve designs.
Materials needed:
Same as day 1
Speedball Carvers
Tracing Paper
day 3: continue designing *new* print and start carving out the design
Students will finish transferring their design on the linoleum and start carving out the design. Materials needed: Same as day 2
day 4: set up the mock gallery again with pieces side by side
Students will recreate the mock gallery with the two prints hanging side by side
See what details the second print added/removed from the first print
Are there any techniques that replicated in the same spot on the print?
trade prints!!! (place different designs in each others sketchbooks)
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for Week 4.
day 1: history of zines AND create your own zine and collage
Activity 1: Presentation and Examples
There will be a quick 10 -15 minute presentation on the history of zines and students will receive copies of zines from the instructor
Activity 2: zine and collage making
Think of two themes you’d like to center your zines around (talk with others and let them inspire you)
● We can also go outside and walk around to gain inspiration
● Use magazine clippings to create a landscape, collage, and look at different fonts (key help for next week)
Materials needed:
Glue sticks
8x11 Paper
Activity 3: Reflect/Preparation for Day 2
Students will present zines and collages to the class, and with the remaining time students can either make another zine or collage
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for day 2.
day 2: framing your work
Today students will design their own frame/border for their collage. Students can either design one corner and replicate the stamping process on all four corners, or they can create the entire border on one sheet of linoleum.
Materials needed:
Acid-free Ink
Tracing Paper
Speedball Carvers
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for day 3.
day 3: finish carving out border so we can print!
Students will finish their carvings today so they can print them in their sketchbooks and learn how to align the linoleum in the Etching press to layer their frame with the collage.
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for day 4.
day 4: choose another area from your collage to highlight and enlarge
Students will be recreating a section from their collage. The objective is to create a 3x4 or 5x7 print from your collage.
Materials needed: Same as day 2
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for Week 5.
day 1: comparing fonts with the class
Based on the previous week’s focus on print magazines, students will take time to flip through magazines to find:
● Which fonts stood out to them in the magazines
● Are there any that they noticed fit better in different sections of the pages: title, header, subheading, body
Materials needed:
Tracing Paper
day 2: create your font!
Students will spend the day creating their own font with the goal to create: ● uppercase, lowercase, numbers, AND symbols
Once students have sketched out their entire font on a single page in their sketchbook they can start to trace and transfer the design on linoleum for them to carve.
Materials needed:
Same as day 1
day 3: start to carve out your design
Students will continue with the process of designing their own font. Today they will start carving out their designs.
Note for students: If you need to go back to the drawing board that’s fine!!! You want to have this finished by the end of the week
Materials need: Same as day 2
day 4: continue carving and start testing out your stamps!
Once students have finished carving out their alphabet, they will print out a statement! Print can be any size that students want and can say what they want, as long as the statement contains: no racist, ableist, homophobic, islamaphobic, xenophobic, or antiBlack remarks!!
Materials need:
Acid-free Ink
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for Week 6.
Students will spend this week designing two prints of their own with the goal of taking these home, and one copy of each will be hung up for visitors to see.
day 1: create your own designs for 2 prints!
Students will spend the day designing two prints of their own. One print should at least be 8x11. The other print can be as large or as small as they want.
If students would like, they can draw on the patio or in the gallery
At least 30 minutes before the day is over the class will begin to clean up the gallery space to prepare for day 2.
day 2: continue working on your design
We will begin the day with a small excursion around Georgetown for students to sketch different details they see and would like to incorporate into their design. Students will get up to 45 minutes to walk around.
If students are ready they can begin carving today.
Materials need:
Tracing Paper
Speedball Carver
day 3: start/continue carving!!
Students will begin or continue carving out their TWO designs. In order for students to get to the printing stage their designs need to be carved out completely.
If students finish carving their designs today they can start with the printing process.
Materials need:
Same as day 2
Water-soluble Ink
Glass and/or Inking plate
day 4: finish carving out the prints and start printing!
This is the last day so students should either have their print completely carved out or finish their carving in the first two hours of camp. Students will then take turns printing out their designs. Students will have at least 3 copies of their print to take home.
Students who finished carving and printing earlier in the day are allowed to design and print whatever they’d like with the materials leftover from yesterday.
Materials need: Same as day 3