Cynthia Back, Andes Urban Panorama No.2, 2-block reduction woodcut, 16x20 inches.
Reception: Saturday, March 2, 2-5 pm.
Cynthia Back's new exhibit, R E L I E F, continues her exploration of the reduction relief process (also known as a suicide print) inspired by the excitement of travel. In R E L I E F, Back showcases work created after seeing colorful buildings nestled in the Andes, Central America, and along the English Channel. Interspersed with these images are prints reflecting fallen tree trunks encountered in parks and woodlands. Each print has twelve to twenty-five layers of ink, starting with local color and leading to new palettes.Cynthia Back is the recipient of numerous awards and honors including grants from the Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation, Puffin Foundation, Pollock-Krasner Foundation; residencies and fellowships to The Studios at Key West; The Nordic Artistsʼ Centre Dale, Norway; Womenʼs Studio Workshop, Blue Mountain Center, Acadia National Park, The Ballinglen Arts Foundation Ltd., Co. Mayo, Ireland, Fundacion Valparaiso, Spain, Helene Wurlitzer Foundation, The Cill Rialaig Project, Co. Kerry, Ireland, and TheMacDowell Colony. Her work is included in numerous private and public collections, including The Library of Congress, the New York Public Library, the Newark Public Library, the Free Library of Philadelphia, and The New-York Historical Society.