Julie Niskanen Skolozynski, Recollection, 6” x 4”, mezzotint, etching, aquatint, spit-bite
Works by Members of the Washington Printmakers Gallery
Opening Reception: Saturday, December 9, 2-4 pm
“I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape. Something waits beneath it; the whole story doesn’t show.”
—Andrew Wyeth, American painter.
As we move toward winter, a certain quietude falls over us. It is time for contemplative thought and a different perspective. We dream and we reflect. Then, as the Solstice arrives, and days lengthen, a new vision begins. Sometimes it takes the eyes of an artist to usher us into this quieter world. We at Washington Printmakers Gallery offer up our visions of this introspective time as we invite you to celebrate this season and its sense of promise
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