Under the Bridge by Leslie Rose
Woodblock Prints By Leslie Rose
Opening Reception: June 24, 5:00-7:00pm
The solidity of iron and steel: maybe the ephemeral nature of the past two years attracted me to these solid objects. In any case, I’m entranced by the strange structures of electric towers, bridges and fire escapes, and I've used the medium of woodblock printing to describe them. These carved woodblock prints are softer than their cousins – the metal originals.
In recent weeks, the bombardment of the people and land of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin has focused on the Azovstal Steel Factory as a target of destruction. The symbolism of flattening the plant is troubling and crystal clear. Sheer blunt power and its abuse. In contrast to this haunting obliteration, electric towers, bridges and fire escapes represent bastions of domestic peace we can’t take for granted.
Artist Leslie Rose works in several printmaking mediums, but finds the tactile nature of woodblock carving especially satisfying and challenging. Photographs are the basis of most of artist Leslie Rose's printmaking.