Sleeping Beauty by Petra Bernstein
Opening reception: Saturday, September 10 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Come away with me on a journey of fleeting moments and glimpses of nature’s mystery. When I look through my camera, the natural world speaks to me.
A lively dialog begins.
I treasure this time alone.
Swamp mallows catching the first sunlight -- morning dew covers their transparent petals.
I am waking up.
Black eyed Susan shine brightly as they mark the height of the summertime.
I soak up their saturated color.
Wilting cone flowers illustrate the scorching heat.
Sweat is dripping from my forehead.
Butterflies effortlessly drifting through the air, searching for nectar.
I feel their lightness.
Swallowtails flock to the marsh where they feed on flowering pickerel weed from dawn till dusk.
I am part of their journey.
The silhouette of a hibiscus against a hazy Eastern Shore sunset is unmistakable.
It’s been a hot day.
In the end, a photo extends beyond this moment. I may not feel the same way about it later. Some photos need editing, while others need to be left alone. As time passes, some images become more interesting, while others won’t make it. Nature draws me outside. It guides me and my camera through the seasons. It fuels my desire to look for lasting impressions and perfect imperfections.